A new milestone course that will be offered by the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) starting semester 1, 2022 is a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree programme under the School of Sciences (SOS). The School is new in the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) established in 2020 following the organizational restructure initiated by the Senior Management and Senate. The new BSc programme will comprise majors in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Computing Science. The BSc degree programme will equip graduates with relevant skills and knowledge required by the industries. The programme will be delivered by qualified lecturers with academic and industry experience.
In preparation for the commencement of the BSc Programme in 2022, a Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) reviewed and finalized the Programme. The School of Sciences headed by Assistant Professor, Dr Timothy G. Kale, comprises five departments, namely: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Computing Science and offers newly designed science units by specialized academics in these disciplines. Students pursuing the BSc programme can select any of the pure science double major disciplines and will be supported and supervised by trained specialized science lecturers.
Dr Kale outlined that there is a total of 28 qualified staff employed at the school, five of whom are the Solomon Islands, national PhD holders. The School looks forward to recruiting more Solomon Islands national PhD holders in various science fields to join the programme when they complete their studies overseas and return to the Solomon Islands.
Dr Kale hailed the new BSc programme as one of the major achievements under the SINU Strategic Plan following the academic restructure implemented in 2020. The primary objective is to provide an opportunity for Solomon Islands students to further pursue and achieve their higher academic dreams in a Bachelor of Science degree at SINU. Furthermore, the BSc programme will contribute towards human resources and economic development in the Solomon Islands with an increased number of science graduates, foreign exchange and cost-saving to the Solomon Islands Government.
Dr Kale asserted that he is very confident that with the inclusion of PhD and other local science staff, the BSc Programme will be boosted and provided with the best accredited and ranked BSc science programmes in the Pacific region that would address the needs of local, regional and international students.
“Our vision is to produce best science graduates from SINU who would be well equipped with the latest science theoretical and practical skills and to provide a pathway to achieve higher experience in the multinational teamwork environment, research and project-based learning, and to have the capacity to stimulate the national economy by meeting the demands of the broader job or any market needs in the country and abroad,” Dr Timothy G. Kale said.
Dr Kale also articulated that together with the BSc programme, the School has also developed various strands of units in the programme that teach students essential research skills required for Postgraduate, Masters and PhD study programmes. By establishing multi-disciplinary BSc and Postgraduate programmes, the graduates would also be able to undertake creative leadership roles in shaping sustainable societies and support the growth and development of schools, teaching and learning of science in the Solomon Islands.
Dr Kale further stated that as more students take an interest and are offered the opportunity to study and major in pure science fields, the School of Sciences is expected to gather momentum and popularity with all its programmes that would be offered in 2022.