User Services

Lending/ Borrowing

Library membership is granted toย all Staff and students and the SINU community. They are eligible to borrow library materials from their respective libraries. Membership in more than one library is not allowed.ย  A valid ID card is required to become a member and to be eligible to use the facilities of the library.

Most materials in the library are available for loan. Students and administrative staff may borrow two books at a time for two weeks while lecturers may borrow up to five books for the same period.

An overdue fine of 50 cents per day is charged on all returned overdue books. To avoid disappointment, please return your books on time.


If a book in the General Collection is out on loan, it may be reserved by a user who needs it. Circulation staff will be responsible for your reservation request.


Inter-Library Loan

Since students are not allowed to be members in more than one library, an arrangement can be made through this office to enable you to borrow books from other SINU Libraries. See Circulation staff for help.

Information Kiosk

Trained Librarians will be available at this desk to provide in-depth assistance to library users.



Reference Services

Reference Services provides reference and research assistance to students, faculty, and staff of Solomon Islands National University and its community users. In-person assistance is available at the Reference Desk/Help center on the first floor. Librarians are also available throughย email and chat during official hours. Individuals who want one-on-one research assistance should contact the Reference Librarian. Please visit our about us page for more details on how to contact us.

Library Orientation and Instruction

Lecturers may arrange for Library Orientation and Instruction for New Students. In order for students to use the Library and its resources wisely and effectively, students must be orientated and instructed in Basic Library Skills. For bookings see Librarian in charge of each Library.


SINU Libraries provides a variety of printing options: SINU Library Network access from work stations such as those in the computer labs, wireless printing and from mobile devices. To facilitate research, each library is also equipped with photocopiers.

The Library Print System in the SINU Libraries is designed to increase the flexibility available to SINU Libraries' users in choosing how to print, wireless or networked, and where out is picked up.


SINU Libraries provides a variety ofย  binding options for assignments and dissertations.