Library Home

The Heart of the University is the premier learning space of the Solomon Island National University.  It disseminates pioneer scholarly information services via printed and digital resources. is the hub of three campus libraries of Kukum, Panatina and Ranadi established in 2013. collection (printed) is classified using the DDC standard and described by AACR2R. It is operated using an integrated library system software (Koha). DSpace software is used for electronic repositories. website offers extensive databases and document repositories that are rich in millions of born-digital resources to assist its users. Information services are disseminated via social media and information kiosks. The SINU vision & mission are to disseminate compulsory & auxiliary information via conventional and digital products through various technology-based forms and formats. The services package is included various technical and user services. Document delivery consists of SDI, ILL and Send-it services. User education and academic programs of information systems are interconnected. Learning space provides multipurpose learning opportunities to meet the utmost educational outcome of the Solomon Islands National University.