
Unit Code: PES702

Unit Title: Indoor Sports 2

This unit positions students to more capably respond to local, national and international sport coaching trends. Students are required to take a broad holistic stance in developing their understanding of what constitutes sport coaching and related theories and methods. Students acquire relevant knowledge of national and international trends in coaching principles and intentionally apply this knowledge to the development of their own micro (local) teaching and coaching perspectives, philosophies, goals and behaviours. Students are familiarised with the scope and depth of the SINIS coaching landscape. Similarly the unit examines the roles of national stakeholders and pillar organisations. These include: Government involvement, Solomon Islands National Sports Council, NOCSI, SINIS, and Sporting Federations, Provincial Sport system, the Community Club System, Universities, providers and External Agencies.

Furthermore, in terms of equipping students to meet the expected career challenges, foundational knowledge and theory of sport coaching is strongly emphasised. Attention is also be paid to the historical roots of sport coaching and historical trends that have shaped contemporary sport coaching. In helping to establish students as reflective practitioners overarching issues that inform coach knowledge and practice are investigated and viewed from a holistic perspective. As such, trends in sport science, communication, professionalisation of coaching, professional development, diversity, excellence, community coaching, and coaching ethics are examined.