Unit Code: FIS505
Unit Title: Marine Ecology
The Unit is primarily concerned with marine ecosystem population, taxonomy and community ecology in marine ecosystems, including hard and soft shores, mangroves, deep ocean and others. In this Unit, life histories, characteristics of populations and interactions within and among species of plants, animals and micro-organisms are discussed, to provide the basis for understanding ecological principles. Students are taken through different methods used in surveying and monitoring coral reefs.
The Unit introduces students to subjects covering the complexities of various ecosystems associated with the global ocean as well as the biology of a variety of marine organisms. Contemporary issues involving complexities of organisms of marine ecosystems and human usage are discussed, including fisheries, marine protected areas, marine networks, pollution impact and climate change. A variety of subjects relating to the structure and functions of marine ecosystems and communities are also discussed in this Unit. Consideration is also given to relevant marine organism physiology. The application of these concepts to the local Pacific region marine ecosystems, especially the Solomon Islands, is a particular focus in the Unit.