Unit Code: FIS503
Unit Title: Fishing Gear Design and Method
This unit offers students the opportunity to learn about the design of new fishing gears and how to improve existing ones in order to help reduce the overharvesting of the fish Stock. The Unit is delivered as both theory (i.e., classroom-based lecturers) and laboratory hands-on practicals. The two teaching methods run concurrently throughout the semester. Topics covered in the Unit include material composition and specification of fishing gears; Fishing methods (i.e., the Purse seine method, Gill netting, Pole and line fishing, Longline, Seine nets, and the Trawl and gear method); Classification and justification of different categories of fishing gears; Effectiveness and impact of different fishing gears; and Fisher behavior and its impact on the fish stock and marine ecosystems. Students are equipped with the knowledge to identify traditional fishing gears and methods that can promote sustainable harvest and how to preserve such methods.