Evaluating the Effectiveness of National Adaptation Programme of Action on Climate Change in five Pacific Island Countries (PICs) โ The Case of Solomon Islands
ย Collaborative research between the Solomon Islands National University (SINU), School of Natural Resources and Applied Sciences (SNRAS) and the University of the South Pacific (USP)
Many climate change adaptation programmes and projects are implemented by many organisations in an uncoordinated manner in the Solomon Islands and across the Pacific Islands Countries (PICs). The five PICs - Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu have developed their National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) and have been implementing their priority needs identified through the NAPA process. It is therefore important to evaluate the effectiveness of the NAPA aligned programmes and projects implemented by various organisations.ย It is also important to assess the participation and engagement of the affected communities in the programmes and projects for long-term sustainability. The data and information collected from this study is important for Governments across the Pacific Islands as they embark on developing their comprehensive National Adaptation Plans under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).ย Methods used in this study can assist to identify ways and areas for better and viable adaptation strategies.
It is anticipated that the study will show how effective the adaptation strategies are in relation to strengthening the resilience of communities to the impacts of climate change and natural hazards. Information gathered through this study will be incorporated into the development of the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) that are in the process of being developed as required under the UNFCCC framework to help countries properly coordinate and strengthen their national adaptation strategies and interventions. The key objectives of the research are to:
- map and analyze organizations, programs and projects implementing adaptation practices and how they are linked to the NAPAs strategy;
- evaluate the effectiveness of the identified programs and projects and establish the enabling environment for effective adaptation strategies; and
- assess and document successful adaptation options, synergies and challenges to inform the development of PICโs National Adaptation Plans to climate change and international community.
Integrating Global Environment Commitments in Investment and Development Decision-making (CB2) โ An Evaluation of CB2s Technical Reports and Awareness Programmes
Ms. Mary Tahu and Mr. Peter Mahoa from SNRAS was part of a team of stakeholders who were in Savo to evaluate and assess CB2s technical reports and awareness programmes.ย The main objectives of the site visit were to:
- Obtain stakeholders especially the Solomon Island Governments rating of selected projects and reports.
- Obtain stakeholders inputs into the projects closure report.
- Conduct survey on stakeholderโs feedback on the effectiveness of the projects awareness programmes.
PhD Research
Topic:ย Improving Postharvest Management of Horticultural Crops in the Solomon Islands.
PhD Candidate:ย Mr.ย Leeroy Joshua
Topic:ย Variation of decomposition rates of mangrove leaves in Marovo, Western Solomon Islands with respect to ambient temperature, humidity and related factors.
PhD Candidate: Ms. Mary Tahu
Bachelor of Science in Tropical Agriculture Student Research
Topic:ย Analysing the perceptions of the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) Kukum Campus community on the issue of plastic waste
Students:ย Mary D. Garu, Hilda Bamai, Daniel V. Pulogita, Christma Reddy
Supervisors:ย Dr. Ramona Sulifoa and Mr. Lawrence Atu
Topic:ย Assessing the kava (Piper methysticum) supply chain in West Kwara'ae, Mailaita Province.
Students:ย Peter iro, Alphonsa Usunia, Ronnie Goloputia
Supervisors:ย Ms. Dorothy Tavoa and Dr. Ramona Sulifoa
Topic:ย Assessing the maturity growth of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
Students: Armstem Mwamai, Mark S. Para, Mardge Kaomara
Supervisor:ย Mr. Lawrence Atu
Topic:ย Understanding Guadalcanal Plains Palm Oil Limited (GPPOL) out growersโ issues and their impact on palm oil (Elacis guineensis) production
Students:ย Rollence Misitana Graham Saelea Timothy Vuria
Supervisors:ย Dr. Ramona Sulifoa and Mr. Markmaster Pae Hamata
Topic:ย Use of traditional medicine by small-scale farmers to treat livestock disease in East Central Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.
Students:ย John Lionel, Nelson Dui, Milton Matai, Manasseh Whipell
Supervisors:ย Mr. Willie Waroka, Mr. Carlson Tiva and Dr. John Bosco Sulifoa
Topic:ย Evaluating the methodology of different soil mixing ratio, and comparing the different organic and inorganic containers for lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in urban backyard gardening.
Students:ย Charles L. Semana, Moses Losi, George W. Suhara, Lilly Wame
Supervisors:ย Dr. Ramona Sulifoa and Dr. John Bosco Sulifoa
Topic:ย The effect of pig waste management on animal health, human health and environmental health.
Students:ย David Wala, Linston Sesele, Catherine Kevu, Loreen Wotomaru
Supervisors:ย Mr. Willie Waroka and Mr. Kemuel Satu
Topic:ย A comparison of chicken manure and NPK fertilizer on the yield and growth of slippery cabbage (Abelmoschus manihot) in a bean (Vigna unguiculata) intercropping system
Students: Peter Akwai, Leewood Joshua, Philip Manesunia, Anthony Gwaliasi, Rudyard Malie
Supervisors:ย Mr. Patterson Giza and Dr. John Bosco Sulifoa
Topic:ย A comparative analysis of Giant African Snail organic fertilizer with other organic fertilizers.
Students:ย ย Claudine Watoto and Collin Mani
Supervisors:ย Mr. Lawrence Atu, Mr. Patterson Giza and Dr. John Bosco Sulifoa
Staff Research Interests
Mr. Willie Waroka - Livestock Management on Zoonotic Diseases.
Ms. Mary Tahu โ Climate Change and Coastal Biodiversity, Mangrove Ecosystems.
Ms. Lovelyn Otoiasi โ Sustainable Land Use Development on Urban Designs and Land Use Planning
Dr. David Lopez - Forest survey and Mapping, Conservation Biology, Agroforestry.
Dr. John Bosco Sulifoa - Biological Control, Pest and Disease Management, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Underutilized Crops
Dr. Ramona Sulifoa (now with Ministry of Agriculture in Samoa) โ Sustainable Farming Systems, Cultural Ecosystem Services Valuation, Supply Chain Analysis of Underutilized Crops, Women in Agriculture, Participatory Research, Project/Programme Analysis.