SINU Council


1. The SINU is governed by the Council which consists of the followings;

1.1 Six (6) Official Members
  1. Pro-Chancellor & Chair of Council
  2. Permanent Secretary – Finance - Mr. Mckinee Dentana
  3. Permanent Secretary – Tertiary Education - Dr. Franco Rodie
  4. Vice Chancellor - Dr. Transform Aqorau
  5. Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic) - Vacant
  6. Pro-Vice Chancellor (Corporate) - Mr. Shadrach Fanega
1.2 Five (5) Appointed Members
  1. Mr. Daniel Rove - Natural Resources Representative
  2. Dr. John Hue - Health and Medical Services Representative
  3. Dr. Lionel Kakai - Education and Training Representative
  4. Ms. Samantha Tuti - Business and Tourism Representative
  5. Ms. Natalina Hong - Industry and Technology Representative
1.3 Eight (8) Elected Members
  1. Deans Representatives (2) – Vacant
  2. Professorial Representatives (2)
  3. Non-Professorial Representative
  4. General Staff Representatives
  5. Student Representative – Mr. Ramcey Olisukulu
  6. University Graduate Representative - Industry and Technology Representative

Co-opted members

1.4 Three (3) Coopted Members
  1. Lady Joy Kere
  2. Ms Anika Kingmele
  3. Mr Marlon Houkarawa

SINU Council Documentations