SINU Council


1. The SINU is governed by the Council which consists of the followings;

1.1 Six (6) Official Members

Official Members

  1. Morgan Wairiu –Pro Chancellor
  2. Franco Rodie-Permanent Secretary(MEHRD
  3. Professor Transform Aqorau –Vice Chancellor
  4. Associate Professor Eric Katovai-Pro Vice Chancellor Academic
  5. William Parairato-Pro Vice Chancellor Corporate
  6. Dentana McKinnie-Permanent Secretary (MOFT)

1.2 Five (5) Appointed Members

  1. Kristina Fidali Hickie-(Natural Resources Representative)
  2. Jack Kalisto-(Education and Training Representative)
  3. John Hue-(Health and Medical Services Representative)
  4. Austin Holmes- (Business and Tourism Representative)
  5. Mr. Moses Virivolomo-(Industry and Technology Representative
1.3 Eight (8) Elected Members

Elected Members

  1. Patricia Rodie (Dean Representative)
  2. Vacant (Dean Representative)
  3. Watson Buare (General Staff Representative)
  4. Dewin Alick (Non-Professorial Representative)
  5. Ramcey Olisukulu(Student Representative)
  6. (2x Rep from Professorial Staff)

Co-opted members

1.4 Three (3) Coopted Members
  1. Lady Joy Kere
  2. Ms Anika Kingmele
  3. Mr Marlon Houkarawa


Human Resources Committee

  1. Austin Holmes -(Chairperson)
  2. Professor Transform Aqorau -(Vice Chancellor)
  3. Eric Katovai –(Pro –Vice Chancellor Academic)
  4. William Parairato-(Pro- Vice Chancellor Corporate)
  5. Dewin Alick-(Counsellor and Member of HRC)
  6. Anika Kingmele –(Deputy Chair SINU Council and Member of HRC)
  7. Watson Buare –(Counsellor and Member of HRC)
  8. Lynette Tora-(Director HR (Ex officio Member)



  1. Kristina Fidali Hickie- (Chair PR Committee)
  2. Professor Transform Aqorau -  (Vice Chancellor )
  3. William Parairato - (Pro Vice Chancellor Corporate)
  4. Associate Professor Eric Katovai- (Pro Vice Chancellor Academic)
  5. Jack Kalisto- (Counsellor and Member PRC)
  6. Dewin Alick- (Counsellor and Member PRC)
  7. Moffat Selo- (Director Properties, Facilities and Project)
  8. Dr John Hue - (Counsellor and Member PRC)
  9. Joan Toitoona Toben - (Rep from Ministry of Land, Housing and Survey)
  10. Peter Lokay - (Director Finance and Ex Officio Member)
  11. Darius Ramo- (Director Planning and Institutional Strengthening and Ex Officio Member)
  12. (Rep from Ministry of Infrastructure Development)

Executive Governance Committee (EGC)

  1. Morgan Wairiu-Pro Chancellor/ Chair of SINU Council
  2. Anika Kingmele-Deputy Pro Chancellor/Deputy Chair of Council
  3. Professor Transform Aqorau-Vice Chancellor
  4. William Parairato- Pro- Vice Chancellor Corporate
  5. Associate Professor Eric Katovai  - Pro Vice Chancellor Academic
  6. Austin Holmes -    Counsellor and Chair HRC
  7. Kristina Fidali Hickie  -  Counsellor and Chair PRC
  8. Moses Virivolomo - Counsellor and Chair FIC

Finance and Investment Committee (FIC)

  1. Moses -(Counsellor and Chair of FIC)
  2. Professor Transform Aqorau – (Vice Chancellor)
  3. Associate Professor Eric Katovai-(Pro-Vice Chancellor Academic
  4. William Parairato- (Pro- Vice Chancellor Corporate)
  5. Marlon Houkarawa – (Counsellor and Chair ARC)
  6. Joy Kere –( Counsellor and Member)
  7. Peter Lokay –(Ex Officio and Member)
  8. Darius Ramo –(Ex Officio and member )

Audit and Risk Committee (ARC

  1. Marlon Houkarawa- (Counsellor and Chair of ARC)
  2. Sixtus Torakana-(Committee Member)
  3. Rodger Murray Townshend – (Committee Member)
  4. Clifton Mark- (Committee Member)
  5. Kevin Murray – (Committee Member)
  6. Morgan Wairiu –(Pro Chancellor and Ex officio)
  7. Professor Transform Aqorau – (Vice Chancellor and Ex officio)
  8. Director Finance- (In- Attendance)
  9. University Auditor-(In – Attendance)

University Council Secretariat (UCS)

  1. Aruana Runimeta –(Manager Council Secretariat)
  2. Edward Biku-(Secretary SINU Council)
  3. Maureen Qaqara-(Assistant Minute Secretary-SINU Council)
  4. Julie Taedola –(Assistant Admin –SINU Council)
  5. Oriana Kiniluai-(Clerical)
  6. Reginald Tozaka-(Switchboard Operator)