Certificate of Tourism Studies

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Admission Requirements

  1. School leavers who have attained an average of “B” grades in Form 6 as they are expected to continue and do the diploma level courses
  2. Form 5 leavers with an average of “B” grade in the SISC
  3. Form 5 leavers who have been working in the industry for at least 3 years
  4. Other considerations included mature aged applicants in accordance with the SINU admission criteria

Course Structure

Course Code: CTS
Course Name: Certificate of Tourism Studies
Duration: 1 year
Core Units: 9 Units
Total Credit Points: 120
Campus: Kukum

TO451Introduction to tourism110
HO 415Customer Service115
TO452Eco Tourism115
TO454Events Planning215
BC452Introduction to Computing210
TO454Pacific Destination215
HO414Occupational health & Safety215
BC381Communication 1110
HO415Compulsory Industrial Work Attachement1 / 215