
Unit Code: MTH706 Unit Title: Regression Analysis This unit will cover different types of regression techniques using the method of least square. Various techniques of data fitting will be included such as univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis and other techniques of Read More …


Unit Code: MTH705 Unit Title: Calculus in 3Ds Mathematics is meaningful when it is applied to real life experience. This unit helps students to apply the concept found in Calculus to different aspects of life. Different techniques of anti-differentiations will be Read More …


Unit Code: MTH704 Unit Title: Discrete Mathematics This unit investigates topics from discrete mathematics in the broad areas of Logic and Proof, Sets, Functions and Relations, Graphs and Trees, and Recursion. The treatment of these topics will cover both practical and Read More …


Unit Code: MTH703 Unit Title: Theory of Computation Theory of computation is the branch that deals with how efficiently problems can be solved on a model of computation, using a computer mathematics algorithm. Students will learn the complete theory of computation, Read More …


Unit Code: MTH702 Unit Title: Advanced Algebra This unit will introduce you to algebra analysis and its day to day applications. The unit deals with high-level algebra, expanding on the algebra covered in earlier units. Various techniques of solving algebraic equations Read More …


Unit Code: MTH701 Unit Title: Numerical Methods This unit enables students to identify various methods used in mathematics to solve a mathematical problem. Students will learn to use computers to solve problems. This unit consists of the methods of solving numerical Read More …


Unit Code: MTH605 Unit Title: Applied Statistic and Probability This unit provides an introduction to descriptive statistics, simple combinatorics and probability and their use in inferential statistics. Discrete and continuous distributions will be considered with a focus on the normal distribution. Read More …


Unit Code: MTH604 Unit Title: Ordinary Differential Equations Mathematics is meaningful when it is applied to real life experience. This unit helps students to apply the concept found in Calculus to different aspects of life. Different techniques of anti-differentiations will be Read More …


Unit Code: MTH603 Unit Title: Binary Mathematics This unit applies the binary math knowledge that broadly covers the number system. Students will learn the digital electronics and mathematics as a number that is expressed in the binary math system. There are Read More …


Unit Code: MTH602 Unit Title: Advance Linear Algebra This unit will introduce you appreciate the application of Matrices and vectors in real life. MTH602 is also designed to change the traditional two-dimensional algebra and to think in three dimensions. The unit Read More …