
Unit Code: CHE704 Unit Title:ย Marine Chemistry This unit is designed to give students an understanding and knowledge of the operational of the marine environment as a chemical system. Chemical principles from first and second year courses are used to investigate Read More …


Unit Code: CHE703 Unit Title: Environmental Chemistry I welcome you to this unit (CHE703) and hope that you will find it interesting and enriching. This unit will introduce you to Environmental chemistry with depth. Environmental chemistry is the study of Read More …


Unit Code: CHE702 Unit Title: Analytical and Instrumental Chemistry Analytical chemistry is a scientific discipline that develops and applies methods, instruments and strategies to obtain information on the composition and nature of matter in space and time. Chemistry comes with Read More …


Unit Code: CHE701 Unit Title: Advance Organic Chemistry The unit mostly builds on the fundamental concepts in organic chemistry that were introduced at the level five (5) chemistry (CHE502). This is to develop a better understanding and be able to Read More …


Unit Code: CHE604 Unit Title:ย In-Org Chemistry This is an elective chemistry unit designed basically for the second year undergraduate course. It is designed to assist students develop basic knowledge on Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. The unit content includes the Inorganic Read More …


Unit Code: CHE603 Unit Title:ย Organic Chemistry This is a core unit for the second year chemistry major undergraduate. It is designed to assist students develop more understanding on organic Chemistry. Hence, building on their previous organic chemistry concepts, the unit Read More …


Unit Code: CHE602 Unit Title:ย Inorganic Chemistry I welcome you to this unit and hope that you will find it enriching and interesting. In general this unit applies the fundamental principles of the concepts of matter, measurements, structure and periodicity of Read More …


Unit Code: CHE601 Unit Title: Physical Chemistry This unit is about advanced concepts in physical chemistry that cover the topics of thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and kinetic molecular theory, solutions, colloids, Equilibrium of Phases, Electro chemistry and an introduction to nuclear Read More …


Unit Code: CHE503 Unit Title: Applied Science Chemistry This unit offers students to develop understanding on broad based introduction to modern chemistry concepts, especially with reference to their previous understanding of chemistry at Year 11 of Form 5 level in Read More …


Unit Code: CHE502 Unit Title: Reactions & Principles of Organic Chemistry This unit offers students to develop more understanding on organic Chemistry, especially with reference to their previous understanding of foundation chemistry units. Unit contents include an overview of organic Read More …