
Unit Code: PHY502 Unit Title: Electrical Physics This unit will introduce you to the branch of physics concerned with electric and magnetic phenomena. The laws of electricity and magnetism have a central role in the operation of such devices as radios, Read More …


Unit Code: PHY501 Unit Title: Fundamentals of Physics This unit introduces students to classical physics, starting with motion, including uniformly accelerated, rotational and circular motions. This is followed by a study of projectile motion. Students then learn about force, torque, momentum Read More …


Unit Code: BIO705 Unit Title: Research Methods in Biology This unit is intended to develop essential research skills and methodology with specific focus on critical thinking, scientific scepticism, experimental design and working with data relevant to biological questions. It includes studies Read More …


Unit Code: BIO703 Unit Title: Biotechnology Welcome to BIO703 Biotechnology. Biotechnology is the intersection of two broad subjects – Biology and Technology. In simple terms, Biotechnology is a field of applied biology that 2 make use of living organisms or biological Read More …


Unit Code: BIO702 Unit Title: Marine Biology With particular reference to Solomon Islands, this unit is focused on Tropical Marine Biology. Contents include the biology of the three main marine coastal environments of the tropics, namely coral reef, sea grass meadow Read More …


Unit Code: BIO701 Unit Title: Conservation Biology Welcome to this course BI0701 Conservation Biology. In this course, we will explore approaches to minimise and control the damage we are have and continue to create to other species, communities, ecosystems and our Read More …


Unit Code: BIO603 Unit Title: Plant Physiology This course focuses on plants, their unique features, their diversity, and how they profoundly influence all life on Earth. The goals of this course are for students to understand what makes a plant a Read More …


Unit Code: BIO602 Unit Title: Genetic and Evolution In this unit, students will learn about genetics at the level of organisms, cells and molecules. You will find out how geneticists asked the question about life, including the mysteries of how multicellular Read More …


Unit Code: BIO601 Unit Title: Ecology This unit we will look at the patterns of biodiversity; management of threatened species; and environmental influences; how individual species interact with each other in populations, and with their physical environment. Natural ecosystems are linked Read More …


Unit Code: BIO503 Unit Title: Botany Botany is the scientific study of plants and their relationship to the environment. In this course, students investigate the anatomy, morphology, physiology, taxonomy, and ecology of plants. This course is designed to complement the understanding Read More …