Advance Safety

This is a short course which is an upgraded level of the Basic Safety course and is intended for those who will be commanding or in the management level on board a vessel. It is mainly for those who will be doing the Class 5 Master course and higher certificates. It has to be renewed with every 5 years.

Admission Requirements

Has a valid BS1 certificate and valid medical report.

Course Structure

Course Code: MAS
Course Name: Advance Safety
Duration: 0.5 year
Core Units: 3 Units
Total Credit Points: 26
Campus: Ranadi

Unit CodeUnit NamePre-requisiteSemester OfferedCredit Points
PSC3Proficiency in Survival Craft210
This unit is intended to provide the knowledge and skills for a mariner to be aware of dangers, when to abandon ship using lifesaving appliances and understand the process to ensure quick and safe rescue.
FAS3Advance First Aid at Sea210
This unit is designed to provide more in depth knowledge than what is covered in the Basic First Aid Module.
FF3Advance Fire Fighting & Control26
This unit is designed to prepare mariners who will either lead firefighting groups or monitor fire situations and give advice on board. Students are given chances as team leaders to be involved in controlled fire situations.